Off On Tangents
You need to do it, but it eats up so much of your time, especially on weekends when you get catch up on the parts of your job which you don't have time to do during a very busy week. Ah, film and television go-go-go, pants-on-fire productions. Gotta love them.
Because of that I haven't really had much time to do anything except those things which are production related. Most of the drawing I do for myself are scribbles of ideas which go off on tangents and fade away as other things take centre stage.
I am working on a fun project with some really fantastic people, and after it airs on television in a couple of months I'll be able to gather up some of the stuff I've done and post it, but until then this is all I have time to post. Enjoy.
I started doodling some trolls ...
... which then led to this kid because I drew on in the troll's hand.
I drew these for a friend who was experimenting with an idea. He just wanted to get a feel for how far someone might go with a simple design.Girls are always good to draw.
I found an old picture book in a thrift shop of the Brer Rabbit stories and liked the illustrations so I played around with modifying the designs with so-so results.
An idea which came and went because who has the time to do more?
An old man fell into the sea ...