Sunday, December 11, 2011


I'm shaking my head in disappointment when I look at the meagre amount of drawing which I have been able to do since my last post. Not only was most of it chucked in the garbage because it was so frigging pathetic the even thinner pile I was left with made me wonder why I even bother trying to find time to draw. (small sigh) ... (small sip of scotch) ... (inhale) ... (exhale) ... (smile)

Last week I went to "Tenth Anniversary of the Thirtieth Anniversary of Nelvana". It was thrown by the old owners of Nelvana (Clive Smith, Patrick Loubert and Michael Hirsch) for the 'old' Nelvana employees who worked for the company before Corus Entertainment bought it in the early 2000's. I was lucky enough to work with Clive for more than seven years in Nelvana's Bears Spots before I went to Disney in 1996, and I was able to hook up with some of the old team which I hadn't seen since then. Some came from Los Angeles and other distant places to be there and though we all looked a bit older we were incredibly happy to be seeing each other again. It was a fantastic night and very much the type of event the former owners were famous for throwing during the time they ran the company. The parties were always a way for them to say 'thank-you' to all of us who worked with them to build the company. Good times.

The current work project I am on is winding down and I'll be moved to a new one in the new year. The old one was great and I was very privileged to work with a great crew, but I'm really looking forward to the change. Happy upcoming holidays. Enjoy.

I have no idea who he is. I just scribbled him down during a few ridiculously long computer time-outs while scenes were being saved at work.
 A bit of Christmas with coloured pens.
 A storyteller in mid-story.
 Another time-out scribble.
 Some Hobo's and a Station Porter for fun.
 Yawn. More Tick Rabbit stuff. A few poses for Plink and some design rethinking for the badger Ganamede .
Last week I went to a life drawing class; the first one in years. The rust showed and I didn't do very well. To recover from it I made up this girl during another time-out the next day.